Life is like a Labyrinth, don't you think?  Left , right, straight ahead,  there's no way out, your dead!  Sounds like life to me.
Gotta love OOMPH!!   

Learning to speak when spoken too

Confrontation....If there is one thing in this life that I have never been able to deal well with it would be confrontations. Most of the time I think, confrontations come about when one inadvertantly sticks ones foot in their mouth. It seems I have done that yet again. This is where the phrase "speak when spoken too" comes in handy. After the many years of chatting that I have done, I apparently have not learned to keep my opinions, no matter how minute they seem to me, to myself. No matter what you say, somehow someone is going to take acception to it,therefore, maybe it's best to say nothing at all. I don't think of myself as a hurtful person. I try to weigh every side of a situation as best I can. I don't set out to purposely inflict pain on anyone just for the simple fact that I know how it feels to have pain inflicted on myself. I have always tried to not be Judge and Jury on anyone due to the fact that I have no right to do either. Simply put....I try to be a friend. From my experiences I have learned to be careful not to voice any type of opinion when my opinion doesn't count for much in the real scheme of things. Well.... at least I thought I had learned that, apparently I haven't learned as well as I needed. So in closing, I just have to say, once again I have been bitten in the butt by my good old recklessness in speaking,, and have brought back to life my own phrase,.....

Speak only when spoken too

Because of you

Because of you, I never stray to far from the sidewalk

Because of you, I learned to play on the safe side so I don't get hurt

Because of you, I find it hard to trust not only me but everyone around me

Because of you, I am afraid

Never have I found words to hold more truth than these. So thought provoking and strong. So many times have I wanted to express this in words but never knew how, the only thing is, where the song refers to someone else, I refer to myself. I am the one, I am the maker of my own prison, I, am the one. Why is it when life gets so hard to deal with do we look to place the blame on anyone but ourselves? I can't, not anymore.  We all make decissions in our lives, some good , some not so good, but the one thing we must remember,, WE made the decission.I was told today not to do anything I would regret and my respnse to that was, I have done things all my life that I regret, why the fuck change now?  It dawned on me that this statement could not be more true. Life is full of regrets and it never stops. A harsh word spoken, a lie told, a good deed left undone. So many things to regret in life. But in the end, even with the regrets we have, it is us  who decides whether we let out regrets rule us. Whether we choose to dwell and live with something we can never change is our choice. In my case, I hang onto regrets as a form of punishment. I bring them out and whip myself with them every day of my life.  But my question is how do you let the regrets go? They are just another form of guilt and guilt can eat you alive.  I was told once, talk about your guilt , an unknown face can't be dealt with, so name it,, I have, but it refuses to relinquish it's cold grasp.  Ever so slowly, with every passing day, it drags me into the waiting abyss, drawing me deeper into the quagmire that is swirling below me. I feel bits and pieces of me fragmenting off and slipping into the rank foul muck. tell me, how do you stop it?  where do you look too to find that tiny golden thread? I have heard that even that so tiny a picce of thread, so golden and so pure can wind around your wrist and even though it is so delicate and dainty,is stronger than anything and can pull you up until you fare glow with it's luminance. It can crystallize and shatter the swirling blackness that pushes to engulf you into oblivion. But how, where do you find it? Is it only a thing of myths? Is it like the beauteous tales of white knights on white stallions rescuing the fair maiden in that it does not truly exist?  Is it truly only folklore? Or is it one of those things that tell you,, If you believe,, it is true? If that be it, how do you believe?  How oh how, do you believe